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Complaints Code of Practice

Complaints Code of Practice

YouFibre cares passionately about our customer experience, service quality, and ensuring you receive an unrivalled service. We do however acknowledge that there may be instances where you need to let us know if we have not met that expectation.

As such YouFibre provides a Code of Practice for complaints (“Complaints Code”). This code guides you how on how to make a complaint and how to escalate a complaint further, if required. The code is there to help you. We are always ready to listen and react to your needs as quickly as possible, so always feel free to contact us, we do listen, and we will help.

1. About Our Complaints Code

As an internet service provider, YouFibre is required to have a code of practice for complaints to protect residential customers and small business customers. The definition of a small business in this instance is those businesses having ten or less employees. This Complaints Code covers the internet service (if you’ve chosen to use it) provided to you by YouFibre. In this Code, all references to “we”, “us”, or “our” are references to YouFibre Limited and all references to “you” and “your” are references to you, our Customer.

2. Complaint Handling

2.1 Your Starting Point for a Problem or Query

YouFibre is dedicated to customer experience and service quality. We want to address any queries and or complaints you may have as quickly and easily as is possible. Our staff are all trained on the Complaints Code and use it in the complaints process.

To start the complaints process, please use either the support telephone line or the dedicated support email facility. Alternatively, you can also write to us at the address provided below. Please also be assured if you are unable to make the complaint yourself, you can nominate another person for this with your consent.

Contact options:

Telephone: 0800 270 0000

Email: hello@youfibre.com

By letter: YouFibre Limited, Unit H The Courtyard, Tewkesbury Business Park, Tewkesbury, UK, GL20 8GD

In general, most problems can be resolved quickly by email or by phone on your first contact with us. We will do our best to achieve a resolution within forty-eight hours. Where this isn’t possible, we will set a resolution plan with you and the timings within which we will resolve the problem. You can of course use written correspondence, but this will by its very nature slow the process down.

2.2. Escalating Your Complaint

We will provide you with a response to the initial complaint, if this is not to your satisfaction you can escalate directly to our complaints team. To process an escalation please send a letter to the postal address listed under contact options or email us at complaints@youfibre.com. When we have your escalated complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within forty-eight hours and will endeavor to respond within nine working days.

2.3. Independent Adjudication

If YouFibre cannot resolve your complaint within a total period of eight weeks, or before if mutually agreed, we’ll issue a “deadlock” letter. You can then, if you choose, make a complaint through Ombudsman Services. Ombudsman Services offers an independent alternative dispute resolution scheme. It’s approved by Ofcom for the handling of consumer disputes. Its services are free of charge for residential and small business customers.

You can contact Ombudsman Services by telephone on 0330 440 1614 or via its website: www.ombudsman-services.org.

Please note that Ombudsman Services will only deal with your complaint if you’ve first followed YouFibre’s internal complaints procedure in full. If the Ombudsman does deal with your complaint then an independent adjudicator will decide how your issue should be resolved, based on the details of your complaint.

If you’re unhappy with the way we or Ombudsman Services deals with your complaint, you can contact Ofcom, the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, at Ofcom Contact Centre, Riverside House, 2A Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA, or by telephone on 0300 123 3333 or 020 7981 3040, or via its website: www.ofcom.org.uk.

You can also get further help and advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau – it should be noted this does not fall within the formal complaints procedure.

3. Number Porting Compensation Scheme

YouFibre provides a telephony service, you can ask your existing telephone provider to transfer (or “port”) your old number to our service. If porting a number is possible, we will email you with a “porting date”.

We only do this after agreeing the date with your existing telephone provider, this will depend on the “Activation Steps” needed for the transfer being in place. If the number transfer has not happened one business day after the agreed porting date, you are entitled to claim compensation from YouFibre.

YouFibre calculate the amount of compensation entitlement by multiplying the monthly subscription payment by twelve, dividing by three-hundred-and-sixty-five and then multiplying this by the number of days’ delay for which you can claim compensation. YouFibre will award compensation on your next monthly bill in the form of a credit. Any compensation you’re awarded will fully and finally settle any claim you may have against us (now or in the future) in respect of the delay.

4. Automatic Compensation Policy*

On the rare occasion when there is a delay in providing you with the internet service or telephone service that you ordered from YouFibre, or a delay in repairing a fault to these services, YouFibre may automatically compensate you.

*Automatic compensation policy is temporary paused in response to Covid-19.

5. Service Level Agreement and Service Level Guarantee for Business

In addition of the Automatic Compensation Policy, YouFibre business customers are provided with Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Service Level Guarantees (SLG):

Loss of Service (Planned)NoneNone
Loss of Service (Unplanned)Fix within 24h. Fault must be reported by the business customer using 0800 270 0000 or hello@youfibre.comIf we breach the SLA, we will offer you the month free in addition of the automatic compensation scheme

6. Customers with Additional Requirements

YouFibre welcomes everyone, we are absolutely committed and dedicated to a fully inclusive service for all. We can provide large print, braille, and audio scripts of the Complaints Code. In addition, we can support the latter for any of our literature, including all our legal pages. If you require additional support when using our services, you can contact our customer support by email, telephone, or letter as identified previously in this document.

7. Date

This Complaints Code of Practice is effective from 22 April 2021.